Immunization Record


During the growing years, children are prone to many diseases against which they require vaccines. It is essential to immunize your children at the right time. Protecting your child with vaccines is synonymous with protecting the entire community. Certain diseases may affect the other students as well. Therefore this is a social responsibility.

Record of Immunization

The Hawk School Management System keeps a record of your child’s immunizations done from time to time. Parents can update the school about their children’s vaccines which is then entered in the software.

Build a Safer Community

This way we can help schools build a safer community by keeping track of individual student’s immunization records. This helps secure outbreaks of epidemics and other diseases.

Secure System

The Hawk School Management System is a secure and safe-to-use online system. Hence there are no risks of misinformed or tampered data. We aim to ensure the privacy and security of data at every level.