About Us

In a world where technology is fast replacing the old school methods in every field, Hawk Schools Management System is designed to address the needs of teachers, students, and administrators. This is a hassle-free and modern way to store, organize and access your data.

Simplify School Processes

Unlike other student information systems available today, we offer a system that spares you the effort of going through manuals and spending your precious time reading through guidelines.

Convenience First

We realize that grading students is more important than finding the right tab, buried under a myriad of clicks. We know that accessing attendance sheets at one click is more important than a million verifications, clicking certifications and entering passwords. And we definitely care about your time, energy, and convenience.

Online Data Management

Hawk School Management System does not require you to install software or manage backups or organizing data. All you have to do is access the system via the internet and let us take care of everything else.

Costs and Benefits

We have no hidden costs or even premium charges. Once you run a cost-benefit analysis for our pricing, you will find it highly impressive with absolutely no performance issues, regular tech support, and no server downtime.

Why Choose Us?

Hawk Schools Management System virtually transforms your old school into a New-age school. Some of the Unique selling points of this system are:

• No Extra Charges: Compared to our competitors, we have no extra charges for extra features.

• Extra features: We have an advantage over our competitors in case of the number of features doubled in our software. We offer many useful features in our software.

• State of the art system: We provide a modern way of running and administering day to day school operations defying the conventional ways.

• Auto-updated system: Regular upgrades are incorporated by us remotely. You can just keep enjoying the ease of it.

• Technical support: our 24/7 tech support will be happy to help you in any way we can, at any time!